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Painting on Canvas

Cervical Cancer

Less than two in 100 Australian women who have cancer have cervical cancer. Most women with early cancer of the cervix will be cured. If the disease is not discovered until after it has advanced, treatment is still possible but the likelihood of a long-term cure is less likely.

Cervical cancer is almost always caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is very common and 80 per cent of women will have it at some point in their lives, we now know that HPV can also lie latent for many years in your body. Most of the time (>95%) your immune system clears it naturally, if your body doesn’t clear it, some types of HPV can lead to cervical cancer. Because HPV has no symptoms if is important that you get regular cervical screening tests from the recommended age of 25 (unless you develop concerning symptoms earlier).

Risk factors:

  • High risk genital human papilloma virus (HPV)

  • Smoking

  • You do not have regular cervical tests (these can find pre-cancerous abnormalities)

  • Age over 35

  • You have a history of cervical cancer or pre cancer

  • You have more than five children


  • Abnormal bleeding

  • pain during sex and bleeding from your vagina afterwards

  • bleeding from your vagina in between your periods

  • unusual discharge from your vagina

  • your period is heavier or lasts longer than usual.


You should see your GP promptly should you have any of these symptoms. Your GP will examine you and take a pap smear and HPV test (Co-test) prompt referral for a colposcopy and biopsies is then arranged. Dr Goulding specialises in the diagnosis and management of cervical cancer. 

Treatment options

The type of treatment you have will depend upon the size of the cancer, they type of cancer, whether it has spread and yoru age, health and medical history. Treatment options are individualised and include

  • Surgery

  • Radiotherapy

  • Chemotherapy


As a gynaeoncologist Dr Goulding is skilled in the surgical management of cervical cancer and can see you promptly to facilitate a fast diagnosis and timely treatment. She also works within a multidisciplinary team, to facilitate supporting her patients following their treatment of a cervical cancer.

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