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Fibroids (leiomyoma) are non cancerous growths of the muscle layer of your uterus (womb). They are a common cause of painful and heavy periods. They can occur on the surface of the womb (pedunculated or subserosal), within the wall of the womb (intramural), or within the endometrial cavity (submucosal)

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Location of fibroids within the uterus


Fibroids are very common (affecting around 40% of reproductive age women) and the causes are not well understood however it is thought that your genetics and exposure to the hormone oestrogen may increase your chances of developing a fibroid.


In many patients fibroids do not cause symptoms and do not need treatment, however for some women they cause heavy and long periods, bleeding in between periods, period pain, pain or pressure in your pelvis or back, constipation, a need to use your bladder frequently or painful sex. Symptoms will usually get better after menopause when your oestrogen levels decrease causing fibroids to shrink.

Treatment Options

Fibroids causing no symptoms do not need treatment. The symptoms of fibroids can be managed with a variety of treatments including medical (hormonal medications) radiological (embolization) and surgical.

Dr Goulding specialises in the medical and surgical management of fibroids, particularly, minimally invasive (key hole) surgery for very large fibroids (through using a power morcellator to reduce the size of the fibroid and remove it through a small incision) and the hysteroscopic resection of fibroids.

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