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Gynaeoncologist goldcoast, best endometriosis surgeon Gold Coast, Gynaecologist goldcoast, Endometriosis goldcoast, Gynaecological cancer goldcoast

Information for Referrers

Suggested Investigations Prior to Referral

Endometrial cancer on histology or cervical smear:
  • TV or TA pelvic ultrasound

  • CT chest abdomen and pelvis


Cervical cancer, Vaginal cancer and Vulval cancer:

Many of these patients will require a PET CT and in the case of cervical and vaginal cancer, a pelvic MRI.

Dr Goulding is happy to organize these investigations. However, if your patient is travelling a long distance for their appointment, please contact her rooms for advice regarding the appropriate imaging for each woman’s individual circumstances.


Tubo-ovarian or peritoneal cancer:
  • Tumour markes for CA125, CEA and CA19.9.

  • Dr Goulding prefers to assess these cancers with a PET CT, Dr Goulding is happy to organize this. However, if your patient is travelling a long distance to for their appointment, please contact her rooms for advice regarding appropriate imaging.


Guidelines for the followup of Gynaecological Cancers
  • Recent cervical screening test result and any prior cervical treatment history


Abnormal uterine bleeding:
  • TA or TV Pelvic Ultrasound

  • FBC +/- Iron studies

  • Co-Test (HrHPV and cervical cytology)


Adnexal and Ovarian Cysts:
  • TA/TV Pelvic Ultrasound

  • If > 40 years old and suspicious features on ultrasound arrange a Ca125, CEA and Ca19.9

  • If < 40 years old and suspicious features on ultrasound arrange a Ca125, CEA, Ca19.9, AFP, hcg and LDH

  • If ascites or omental disease suspected, consider a PET CT

  • If you would like specific advice for individual patients, please contact our rooms

  • In the case of a CT or PET CT that shows ascites or omental disease, we can help to co-ordinate an urgent histopathological sample prior to your patient’s first appointment

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